For enquiries about the club, including membership, contact
Welcome to Havering '90 Joggers, the biggest & friendliest club in Havering. We have around 200 members of all ages and abilities, and a roughly equal split of male and female runners.
You don't have to be a serious runner to join our club! While some of our members are seasoned marathoners, most run for fun, for health or just to be social. Nothing feels better than running a few miles and having a great chat!
We run regular coached sessions for all abilities, and there are always groups to run with on club nights, even if you're a novice. There is also our friendly 'Learn2Run' course for those who are completely new to running.
There are no fees other than the annual membership, which being affiliated to England Athletics gives you discounts on race entry, clothing and events. We don't ask you to join straight away - try a few sessions first to see if you like it. Come along and say 'Hi' at the club around 7:15 and we'll get you running.
Club nights are Tuesdays & Thursdays at Two Gables Pavilion (Upminster Rugby Club), ready to run for 7:30pm. We also have a club run on a Sunday morning. Many members also organise other sessions and support each other in our online members' group.
Learn 2 Run Is BACK!​
Running for beginners, or those returning to running after a while, is back on club nights. Friendly, UK Athletics-qualified coaches and run-leaders will guide you through the NHS-approved Couch to 5k programme. See our Learn2Run page for more details and when the next block starts.