Historically the good people at the London Marathon HQ provided running clubs with guaranteed London Marathon places based on the number of paid up (first claim) members they have. The rules have changed and the allocation has reduced over the years as the demand for places have increased. We have previously been allocated two places but can’t be certain of the amount of places we will get from year to year - or indeed if the VLM will continue this practice going forward.
To be eligible for a place in the club ballot (in line with the club constitution article 17) you need:
to be a first claim, fully paid up, continuous member of the club for a full 18 months prior to the club draw
a valid rejection letter or email from London Marathon (rejected from a charity is not an acceptable rejection letter)
to provide this letter to the Club Secretary (Lisa Gaskin) or via email at secretary@h90j.org.uk - sending this letter to any other member of the committee is not deemed to be accepted
The London Marathon place is not free and will need to be paid for by the lucky recipient.
If the recipient is unable to run they must return the place to the Club Secretary who will allocate to the reserve.
Any questions please email secretary@h90J.org.uk