In their 30th Anniversary Year, Havering '90 Joggers held their annual Midweek 5 mile event as a virtual race. Club members ran in various locations around the Borough individually and in teams of up to 6 during our "Run Happy" week designated by club head coach Dave Sherman. Some fun and fantastic times were achieved by almost 70 competitors with overall winners:
1st female Jo Reeves (34:59); 2nd female Kaye Huggins (36:03)
1st male Danny Meredith (31:21); 2nd male Brian Fry (32:58)
Team winners were "Lockdown On Legs" with an average time of 37:55 and 2nd were "Chocs Away Chaps" (38:33).
A special "Run For Fun" prize was awarded to the COVID Cobras for running to Hylands Park to add their painted stones to the Snake.